In EYFS the key strands of Music Development Matters in the Early Years, Hearing and Listening, Vocalising and Singing, Moving and Dancing, Exploring and Playing are interwoven into the daily learning opportunities for each pupil. We encourage children to understand how modify to the sounds they create by learning how to change the pitch, dynamics and rhythm to create different effects. We encourage children to understand that we can make music in many different ways using non-standard instruments. By the end of EYFS we encourage children to be confident in demonstrating their musical skills through singing and dancing and playing a range of instruments.
In KS1/2 we follow the English National Curriculum for music that is further supported by the Model Music Curriculum 2021 (MMC). We follow the guiding principles of the interrelated dimensions of music, and use our skills progression map to ensure that each year builds upon previous learning. Children’s increasing awareness of pulse, pitch, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, timbre and texture helps inform their increasingly complex improvisations and compositions. Our teaching is divided into the following key areas.
WE ARE A SINGING SCHOOL. We recognise the health and wellbeing that singing brings and it forms the basis of our music teaching.
Children are encouraged to describe their thoughts and feelings about the music they hear. Use musical vocabulary to describe music that and make and be able to give suggestion for improvements.
Children learn how to create musical patterns and learn how to shape and change music using non-standard and standard notation. They will become confident in improvising their own music in a given style
- Playing Instruments/Performing
As well as singing, children have access to a range of instruments. They will learn to play accurately with control, and rehearse and perform to an audience.
- Aural/Theoretical knowledge
Children will be able to understand the rudiments of staff notation and use this in their compositions. The development of aural awareness will see them develop their skills in internalising and recalling sounds and rhythms accurately.
We have a specialist music teacher who teaches one lesson per week for all classes on a rolling yearly basis. Our curriculum is supported by various schemes of work including Charanga, Music Express, BBC ten pieces, and bespoke schemes depending on the ability and challenge that each year group needs year on year. Whole class instrumental lessons include recorders and Ukulele. Glockenspiels are used extensively within each year group to support composition and improvisation. Visiting instrumental teaching is provided on a 1v1basis for piano. The Rocksteady visiting company provide an opportunity for children to learn to play contemporary music on Keyboards, drums, guitars and vocals. Children are involved in a variety of musical activities on regular basis including daily collective worship, singing assemblies and termly class assemblies, end of year performances and a school choir. We positively encourage children to engage in live musical performances, this includes listening to visiting musicians play live in school and participation in local and national music events, including Surrey Primary Music Festival and Young Voices at the 02.