School Routines

Our School is like a family, and like all families, it needs to have some routines.

The aim of these routines is to ensure the safety and welfare of all children. The list below contains a mixture of items: some of which will help you, and some of which will help us in school. A few of these points have legal implications, and must be stated for the safety of the pupils.

Legally based points
  • When delivering children to school in the morning, parents should note that there are no teachers officially present until 8.30 a.m.
  • No children are allowed in the adventure playground except in school time and under supervision. Parents must not let younger siblings explore or play in these areas when they are delivering or collecting children.
  • The main road outside the school is very busy and dangerous and parents are asked to be aware of this when they bring and collect children and to comply with the Highway Code and with any requests made by the school to improve road safety.
Helpful Points
  1. Contact Details:  It is vital that we have current information on contact names, addresses and telephone numbers, so that we can contact in any emergency. It is the parents' responsibility to notify us immediately when any change in this information occurs.
  2. Money: Other than in special circumstances, no loose money is needed at school. Money for activities such as outings should be brought in a clearly named envelope.
  3. Snacks: A piece of fresh fruit may be brought to school to eat during the morning break. Nuts, sweets and other snacks must not be brought into school.
  4. Packed Lunches: Packets of whole nuts must never be brought to school (even as part of a packed lunch) because of the risk of choking and severe allergic reaction in some pupils.  Fruit juices and fizzy drinks are also not allowed because of the risk of tooth decay and unhealthy sugars.
  5. Toys: Children can bring a small named toy to school .  However games should otherwise not be brought to school except on special occasions  or when authorised by a teacher.
  6. Named items: It is compulsory to name all your children’s belongings, clothes and footwear. 
  7. Visitors: Visitors must always report to the school office, to sign in and receive a badge to wear, when arriving at school during the school day. They will then be accompanied to their destination.
  8. School Access: Parents should gain access to the school via the pedestrian gates from Petworth Road or Coxcombe Recreation Ground at the beginning and end of the school day. At other times access is through the pedestrian gate located next to the green main school gates on School Lane. Children attending Breakfast Club (see below item 13) before the school's official opening time should also use this access gate. The pedestrian gate next to the tennis courts is open at midday for the collection of part-time Reception children. 
  9. Dogs: Dogs are not allowed on the school grounds (or the recreation ground) at any time.
  10. Key stage 1: Children in Years 1 and 2 may wish to bring their own pencil, eraser and pencil sharpener (all clearly marked) to use at school.
  11. Key stage 2:  Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 should be equipped with a pencil case containing handwriting pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener, ruler, coloured pencils, glue stick, highlighter and calculator.
  12. Worries: Please remember, if your child has worries or fears about coping with school, share them with the staff and let them help make your child happier at St. Mary’s.
  13. Breakfast Club: The school has a daily Breakfast Club facility open from 7.50am until the start of school. Children are supervised and offered a simple breakfast. The cost is £4.25 per day (please contact the office for further information).