News - 20th June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,
It’s been a busy couple of weeks in school and I am delighted to share with you some of the highlights.

Firstly, let me extend a warm congratulations to our Year 6 pupils who have recently returned from their fantastic week away at Chidham. They truly embraced the experience, creating lasting memories and serving as excellent ambassadors for our school. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Miss Hampshire, Mrs Porter, Mrs Creswell, and Mr Hanson for their unwavering dedication, energy, and good humour throughout the trip.

Yesterday, our Year 6 pupils attended their Leavers Service at Guildford Cathedral, a poignant occasion where they reflected on their journey at St Mary's, while looking forward to the exciting challenges that lie ahead in secondary school. Although their time with us is drawing to a close, they still have plenty to keep them occupied in their final four weeks, including bikeability, their leavers party, and, of course, the school production.

On Tuesday our annual Sports Day took place and the weather was truly on our side, the event was a resounding success. A special thank you goes out to Mrs Wright for organising her final sports day for the school. Congratulations to Amber house on their well-deserved victory, and well done to all the children for displaying such remarkable sportsmanship and support throughout the day.

Finally, I would like to remind all parents and carers about the importance of safe parking practises. Please refrain from parking on School Lane or on the corner of the football field on Coxcombe Lane, as it can severely impede visibility and compromise the safety of our children. Let us work together to ensure a safe and secure environment for all.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

Best wishes
Mrs Buckley, Headteacher

Next week is the last week of school run clubs. There will however be an additional Engineering Club due to a missed session on Tuesday 2nd July. There will also be an additional Key Stage 1 Multi Sports on Thursday 4th July. Please check with external clubs their end dates, as these differ to school run clubs.

We have noticed that there has been an increase in mobile phones being brought into school and handed into the school office.

Please urge your child not to bring their phone into school unless it is absolutely necessary. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Please review Scopay for any outstanding payments due for school trips and money owed for School Lunches/Breakfast Club. Please ensure that Scopay is updated by midday on Wednesdays for lunch choices for the following week.

Caterlink and the GST have discussed the special diet management process for the upcoming menu change in October. It has been agreed by both parties that we will only be able to complete a special diet menu for children that have provided medical evidence. We know for some parents this may mean they need to arrange Doctors visits and/or testing, however this is why we are making each School aware now, so parents have a reasonable amount of time to do so before the October half term.

The new menu for October will be shared with you shortly. As soon as we have the requests back, we can get a head start creating special diet menus where required.

We will make a start creating these special diet menus for the children which we already hold medical evidence for.

Thank you for your cooperation.

St. Mary’s School Vision

Reflecting virtues of Mary, our vision is for everyone to be inspired to blossom and grow, fulfilling their potential in all aspects of life. By exploring the Christian values of wisdom, hope, respect and community, our pupils understand the importance of being respectful, resilient social advocates, building a better world.