News - 14th March 2024

Dear Parents and Carers
I hope this newsletter finds you well. It has been a busy couple of weeks here at St Mary's, filled with exciting events and memorable moments.
We all enjoyed another exceptional Book Week, co-ordinated and organised by Mrs Evans. Please read her report below. Thank you all for supporting the school by buying books and helping your children with their potato characters and the efforts made on Book Character Day.
Year 1 also enjoyed a fantastic trip to the Rural Life Centre. Our Year 1 pupils had a wonderful time learning about farming and gaining a deeper understanding of where our food comes from. Their exemplary behaviour and thought-provoking questions were a credit to our school. Thank you to the Year 1 Team.
Last week we held a moving remembrance service to honour the life of Mrs. Kay Bedford. As many of you know, Mrs. Bedford was a beloved member of our school community for over 33 years. It was heart-warming to see her family and former colleagues come together to pay their respects and share cherished memories of working with her. We are forever grateful for her dedication and contributions to our school.
Yesterday, Year 5 students had an out-of-this-world experience during their visit to the Winchester Planetarium. This trip was a fantastic opportunity for them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of space.
Today Year 6N delivered a spectacular assembly on their current topic, Ancient Greece. The pupils showcased their talents and knowledge through singing and acting. Well done to Mrs. Norton for her brilliant direction.
Moving on to important notices, I kindly request that parents refrain from allowing their children to bring throat tablets to school. We have noticed a rising number of disruptions caused by students leaving lessons to take these tablets. Additionally, if a pupil has a slight temperature due to a cold, our office staff are more than happy to administer Calpol at lunchtime. Your support in these matters is greatly appreciated.
Finally, I would like to remind you that tomorrow is Comic Relief Day. Pupils are encouraged to wear something red and make a donation on Scopay for this worthy cause. It promises to be a fun-filled day, and I would like to express my gratitude in advance for your generous contributions.
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Warm regards,
Mrs Sheila Buckley
Diary Dates
Due to parents evening taking place next week (Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th March) there are changes to the clubs due to teacher commitments and classroom availability.
Please see updated club information for week commencing the 18th March:
Monday 18th March - Choir, French, Netball, Rugby KS2.
Tuesday 19th March – Kick Start KS1, Multi sports and Cooking Club.
There will be no Art Club for KS1 (Mrs Lawrence /Mrs Ryder), or External Art Club (by Mrs N Howell-Dinn).
Wednesday 20th March: Kickstart KS2, Rugby KS1, Drama.
Drama will be held in the outdoor classroom (weather dependent).
Thursday 21st March: No Clubs
Week commencing Monday 25th March:
Monday 25th March - Netball, Rugby KS2.
(No Choir or French)
Tuesday 26th March – Kick Start KS1, Cooking Club, Art Club with Mrs N Howell-Dinn.
(No Multisports or Art Club with Mrs Lawrence/Mrs Ryder)
Wednesday 27th March: Kickstart KS2, Rugby KS1.
(No Drama Club)
Thursday 28th March: No clubs, End of Term finish at 1:15pm.
Club information for next term will be sent out shortly.
Book Week News
We had a great Book Week at St Mary’s!
On Thursday, the whole school enjoyed a fantastic performance of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ performed by M&M Theatrical Productions as our school hall was transformed into an exciting theatre complete with music, lighting and scenery. Children from Reception through to Year 6 were mesmerised by the show, with a look of awe on their faces as they followed the emotions of this fast paced, energetic and colourful adaptation of the story. Staff and children agreed that it was an incredibly slick and professional performance, and the set, costumes, music, lighting and outstanding acting really brought the classic story to life and gave the children an incredible theatre experience. Thank you to the PTA for funding this fabulous event! Following the performance, Year 6 took part in a workshop to find out more about how the show is coordinated. They explored many aspects from the electrical - including the use of lighting, sound, and microphones; to costume changes, accents, posture and facial expression and discovering how the many setting changes are organised. We look forward to seeing what they have learnt in their Summer Production!
Many of the children returned to school in their pyjamas on Thursday evening to hear a bedtime story read by their teachers and to enjoy a hot chocolate and a biscuit – more thanks to the PTA for organising the refreshments. On Friday, the school was filled with a wealth of colourful book characters from well-loved children’s stories, both old and new, as we celebrated World Book Day and our children’s love of reading.
The book fair was a HUGE success, thank you to all who visited and helped to raise an incredible amount of money for more books for our school. We beat all of our previous records, raising £1243.01 to spend!
We feel very lucky to have such supportive parents and families in our school community – thank you for supporting us in recognising the importance of reading for pleasure and instilling a lifelong love of books and reading for the children to always enjoy.
There will be a Mufti Day in aid of Comic Relief on Friday 15th March. Children are invited to wear something red for a suggested £1 donation. Please make this payment on Scopay.
There will be activities throughout the day that children will have the opportunity to participate in if they wish to. If you would like your child to take part in these activities, we ask that an additional contribution is made on Scopay.
After several reminders there continues to be issues with parking on School Lane. Parents should not be using School Lane for drop off and/or pick up, inclusive of breakfast club.
Please park either at the Catholic Church or the back of the school and walk to the school gates.
Please do not, under any circumstances, park across the gates which access the school or on the corner of School Lane as this causes traffic on the Petworth Road and obstruction.
Thank you for your cooperation.
In accordance with Statutory Requirements, please be aware admissions arrangements for St Mary’s CofE Primary School, Chiddingfold for 2025-2026 have now been finalised.
These have been published on the Admissions pages of our school website.
The clothing bank helps raise funds for the school as well as reducing waste to landfill. We are able to accept the following:
Clothes, shoes, bed linen, accessories (such as belts, hats, gloves, scarves, handbags) as well as soft toys so please keep any unwanted items for the clothing bank.
Unfortunately we can’t take the following:
Duvets or cushions, off cuts, used underwear or socks, carpet or curtains.
Following Government guidelines, schools are no longer allowed to authorise requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you take your child out of school, you may face a penalty notice.
Year 1 –90%
Year 2 – 97.5%
Year 3 – 96.2%
Year 4 – 96.6%
Year 5 – 97.7%
Year 6H – 94%
Year 6N – 93.7%
Wisdom is a core Christian value in our school because we believe through wisdom good choices are made, that it encourages us to learn from our mistakes and encourages us to live our lives wisely for the benefit of all. "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’’ John 8:32
Hope is a core Christian value in our school because hope gives us energy and supports us through difficult times. "Be happy because of the hope you have. Be patient when you have troubles. Pray all the time.’’ Romans 12:12
To act with hope is to aspire to greater things, to promote positivity and courageous advocacy.
Respect is a core Christian value in our school because we believe that all life is precious within the image of God and deserves to be valued. "Do to others as you would have them do unto you." Luke 6:31
Our Christian value of respect means living up to the image of God with our school, our community and ourselves.
Community is a core Christian value in our school because we know that together we are stronger and can achieve more.
"Live together in peace with each other. Don’t be proud, but be willing to be friends with people who are not important to others. Don’t think of yourself as smarter than everyone else.’’ Romans 12:16
Everyone in our school, local and global community are needed and valued.