School Communications
There are many ways you can communicate with your child’s classteacher or the Headteacher.
- Classteachers are always available at the end of the school day for a quick word or alternatively to make an appointment.
- There are three phone lines coming into the school – during school hours they will always be answered personally. If not you can leave an answerphone message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
- There are “quick note” forms (yellow) available outside the office if you need to get a brief message to a classteacher. To share information about collection of a child or an absence please use pink and green forms respectively.
- Send an email to for any member of staff and this will be confidentially redirected as appropriate.
- To contact the Chair of Governors do this via the email above or directly to
- The School Office is open from 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. for answering any questions you may have or for making appointments to see a member of staff or the Headteacher.
- School Newsletters are sent home on a regular basis, along with information about "PTA" events and other items received from third parties - such as details of Village events, book club offers, etc.
- Occasionally, should there be an urgent requirement, we will send a letter home on a different day, but we try to minimize this.
- Please check your child's school bag on each day for letters, etc.
- Newsletters for the current academic year can be found on the News page of the website.
- Parents are invited to complete a Right to Reply Form . This is also given at the end of every newsletter for you to make comment or make a suggestion on anything.