School Attendance
Children should be encouraged to attend school regularly and punctually.
School opens at 8.30 a.m., when the first bell sounds, and the children are allowed into the classrooms.
The registers are taken at 8.35 a.m. and we would encourage children to develop the good habit of arriving in school in plenty of time.
ABSENCE (illness or unforseen circumstances)
If a child should be absent for any reason, the school should be notified by 8.30 a.m., by telephone, completion of the online form or email ( ). Absence notification forms are also available at the School Office and in each of the classrooms.
We are required by law to record "unauthorised absences" and any absence must be considered unauthorised until we receive notification from a parent. We are also required to note in the attendance register when a child is late.
When delivering children to school in the morning, parents should be aware that there are no teachers officially present until 10 minutes before the session begins.
PLANNED ABSENCE (morning or afternoon)
A planned absence for a one session (morning or afternoon) or less should be notified to the school office in advance – either by email ( or note or completion of an Absence Form available from outside the office or classroom. These absences would include a medical appointment, ballet exam, etc.
Any planned absence of longer than one session for something other than a holiday must be requested from the Headteacher either by email ( or in writing or note or completion of a Long Term Absence form .
The school holiday dates are published to parents/carers a year in advance and therefore there is no reason for parents/carers to plan to take their child out of school during term time.
If leave in term time is unavoidable, a Request for Leave of Absence Form (Can be downloaded at bottom of this page). This form must be completed at least four weeks prior to the leave date, and contact made with the Headteacher.
However, leave will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. All other leave will be unauthorised. Examples of exceptional circumstances, as defined by the Department for Education (DfE) are: service personnel and family crisis.
Family holidays taken during term time due to affordability or work restrictions do not meet the DfE criteria for authorisation.