Home School
This document sets out the responsibilities of the child, parents and school as members of the St. Mary’s School community. When a child is admitted to the school parents are asked to sign two copies of the agreement, one of which is returned to the school and the other retained by the parents. The Home-School Agreement is designed to formalise these partnerships.
St. Mary's Church of England (Aided) Primary School provides education based on the principles and practices of the Church of England. Christian values underpin all aspects of the school.
- Governors' Ethos Statement
The School will:
- Provide a broad, balanced education in accordance with the National Curriculum, with equal opportunities for all in a Christian setting which is caring and friendly;
- Contact parents if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality or equipment;
- Let parents know about special achievement and progress being made by their child;
- Let parents know about any concerns or problems affecting their child’s work or behaviour;
- Set, mark and monitor homework suitable for each particular year group;
- Arrange parents’ consultation evenings in order to discuss individual children’s progress;
- Arrange meetings for parents to share information about the curriculum or general school matters;
- Keep parents informed about school activities through regular letters home and notices about school events;
- Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the school;
- Make the file of School Policies available in the School Office for parents to consult on request.
Parents will:
- Ensure that their child goes to school regularly, on time and properly equipped;
- Seek permission in advance before taking their child out of school for reasons other than illness or emergency;
- Provide a note of explanation if the child is absent;
- Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect their child’s work or behaviour;
- Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour;
- Support their child’s homework and provide opportunities for home learning;
- Attend meetings for parents to share information about curriculum and general school matters;
- Attend parents’ consultation evenings in order to discuss their child’s progress;
- Take opportunities to become involved in their child’s education and in the life of the school;
- Where possible attend any assemblies in which their child is involved.
Together we will:
- Tackle any special needs;
- Encourage children to keep the school’s rules;
- Support learning to enable the child to achieve his or her full potential.