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Dear Parents and Carers,

As we bid farewell to another half term, it's a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've embarked upon together. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activities, achievements, and celebrations that have left an indelible mark on our school community.

Firstly, let's give a resounding round of applause to the success of Science Week. Our theme this year, "Dispelling the Myth of What a Scientist Is," has been a true eye-opener for our pupils. The week kicked off with an inspiring assembly led by Sophie Quiney from King Edward's School, who regaled our pupils with tales of her research trip to the North Pole. Year 5 pupils had the privilege of attending a Design and Technology workshop at King Edward's, where they crafted plywood cars and powered them with balloons – a hands-on experience that ignited their curiosity and creativity.

Joe McCarthy Holland, a member of the LC Committee and physics teacher, led engaging sessions on electricity, light, and time, while the "Science Professor" captivated our students with workshops on bubbles and air. For homework, the children delved into research on diversity within science, reinforcing the notion that we are all scientists, and inspiring our future STEM workers, especially our young female pioneers.

A heartfelt thank you to King Edward's School for their unwavering support and to all our esteemed visitors who enriched our themed week with their expertise. A special mention goes to Miss Hampshire for her exceptional organisation and coordination skills.

While there have been numerous achievements to celebrate, one stands out as the crowning jewel – the resounding success of Chiddfest. Emily Jennings, Saskia Buckley, and the entire Chiddfest Team deserve a thunderous ovation for their remarkable triumph. From willing the weather to perfection to curating fantastic music and providing exceptional hospitality, the event was a true celebration of joy. It was a heartwarming sight to witness our village come together, celebrate, and raise an astonishing £16,000 for our community. Bravo, ladies! You should be immensely proud of your accomplishments.

As one school event draws to a close, we eagerly anticipate the next. Upon our return on June 4th, we will embark on Art Week, with the theme "Nature in Art." Our students will have the privilege of working with local artist John Worth and Cordelia Hampton-John on a whole-school fabric project, as well as creating individual pieces for the school. The artwork will first be displayed at The Church Room for the village fete on June 9th, before gracing the corridors of our school. We are thrilled to have such talent and generosity of time within our community, coinciding with the Surrey Artist Open Studio event. Please note the timings of John's studio openings commencing the week of June 10th.

I wish you all a wonderful and rejuvenating half-term break. Embrace the moments of rest and quality time with your loved ones, for we have many more exciting adventures awaiting us upon our return.

Best wishes
Mrs Buckley, Headteacher



Monday 10 June – Sunday, 16 June 11am-5pm

Surrey Artist Open Studio. Marlow Cottage open to the public showing work in the garden and small studio.
Friday 14th June, 6pm – 8pm

Open evening (Private view) for Chiddingfold families, friends and community in Marlow Cottage garden.
Saturday 15th June 3pm - 4pm

Artist talk – John will give a talk on Landscape, Music & Mark-Making in the garden at Marlow Cottage – open to all Chiddingfold families and community as well as visitors to Surrey Artist Open Studios.


There is a lot of valuable information that you can view on our website.

There is information regarding:

  • Up to date Diary Dates
  • Term Dates
  • Letters regarding School Trips
  • Policies
  • School uniform
  • School Dinners
  • Useful Forms
  • Class Pages – including term plans and timetables
  • Admissions


Please ensure you have completed the questionnaire below by Friday 24th May with your child's picnic preferences for Sports Day.

Information regarding the Sports Day schedule has been circulated. If you have any questions regarding this please contact the school office.


Please check the lost property before the end of term. There are a number of items in lost property which are unnamed so cannot be returned to the right child.

Please ensure that all clothing that comes into school is clearly named to avoid items being lost.
Items that are not claimed will go into the clothing bank.

Please also check the school uniform that is brought home belongs to your child.


Please review Scopay for any outstanding payments due for school trips for this term.

Please ensure that Scopay is updated by midday on Wednesdays for lunch choices for the following week.


St. Mary’s School Vision

Reflecting virtues of Mary, our vision is for everyone to be inspired to blossom and grow, fulfilling their potential in all aspects of life. By exploring the Christian values of wisdom, hope, respect and community, our pupils understand the importance of being respectful, resilient social advocates, building a better world.